
Information needed for assessment of the KPIs for fuel efficiency. This is information about number of movements and amount of fuel burn for the phase within a specific timeframe for a specific kind if airspace (LandingTake-Off, TerminalControlArea, En-Route). Derived from the number of movements and amount of fuel burn, the average fuel burn for each flight in the phase for the airspace kind is derived. The amount of fuel burn is derived from the fuel burn in related PhaseOfFlight.


Information needed for assessment of the KPIs for fuel efficiency. This is information about number of movements and amount of fuel burn for the phase within a specific timeframe for a specific kind if airspace (LandingTake-Off, TerminalControlArea, En-Route). Derived from the number of movements and amount of fuel burn, the average fuel burn for each flight in the phase for the airspace kind is derived. The amount of fuel burn is derived from the fuel burn in related PhaseOfFlight.